Inspired, I've came up with my first 2013 resolution: take care of "The Moment" above all else
to fresh beginnings
2012 is a year filled with heartaches having to let go of certain people in my life, having to witness for myself how selfish and devious people can be and how most times, life makes it so hard to have faith in things that are actually worth it but despite so, 2012 is also a year filled with love and serendipities. It has proven to me once again that good things do happen to people who believe and not give up. I met people who makes me feel like there's so much more to life, I fell in love and then suddenly it seems like everything just fall right in place. Most importantly, I've grown wiser recognizing and letting go of friendships/things that are shallow and insignificant and that through all the bad times, friendships that are worth a lifetime to protect and keep bonds stronger than ever.
I may have made a lot of wrong judgements and mistakes this year but I felt like I've grown to be more insightful than I used to be. I won't say I'm going to be perfect in 2013 but if I do slip up, I'll (try to) make sure it'll be a better mistake than the ones I've made this year.
goodbye 2012

Mmhmm.. I now can't wait for the new year to start.
Anyway, it's my mom's birthday today and I texted her something really sweet at like 12 sharp earlier on hoping to get a reply but I receive none. Yeah. How rude my mom is. I try to understand though, because there's a chance she might not understand what I was trying to say in the text and also because I'm very possibly the only daughter in the world who would get her own mom a hair clip worth only $3.90. Not that I despise that amount of money but I figured anyone would think $3.90 is too little an amount for a decent birthday gift considering the fact that it is not even enough for a complete meal at Mcdonalds. However, I do have my reasons for doing so but I also believe that there is none that can be counted acceptable hence I decided maybe I should just stop here and go back to eating the leftover rice and soup my sister bought for her dinner today.
Goodnight all.
This month I decided it's time to get over it. Like putting everything behind and cast it all out of my life because I've decided enough is enough. I'm still trying to figure out a way to get it done though. I really don't want to put anyone including myself in a nasty sticky situation and it's hard to come up with the best plan but then again, maybe there is no best plan, just Goodbye I Won't See You Again So Please Get Out of My Life. Yeah… just that.
I fly to the Land of Smiles in 27 days. I can't wait to leave because I'm positive that when I come back after, everything would be fine again and on top of that I can't wait to come back a different person.
By the way, the improving myself physically plan I mentioned back at the end of March isn't working. Unless you call rolling back and forth on the bed a form of exercise, I've did basically nothing from then till now and I'm starting to feel really bad letting myself down. However, I'm going to look at things optimistically and continue to work harder because Dalai Lama said "No matter what activity or practice we are pursuing, there isn't anything that isn't made easier through constant familiarity and training." so I may be lacking but I sure as hell am not gonna stop working on it. Hence, I'm in the process of releasing an upgraded version of myself and well, I'm intending to let my history make me stronger not make me falter. Ahh.. Not quite convincing huh?
I will be going to KL later at midnight about 2 - 3AM. It's a short getaway trip for the family. I don't know what we will be doing but I hope we will be staying in a good hotel and have lots of good food. Mmmmm…….
I finally got my results today at 8 in the morning and I was so excited about it that I woke up automatically at 7:30 AM It wasn't any outstanding grade but I think it's sufficient to say it was a good outcome for me. Anyway, I'm glad I walked through it all and I know it seems cliché but I must say it was a really good learning experience. I mean, seriously, all that shit that has happened really makes me feel more like a stronger person right now.
Yeah… so now I'm just hoping this shit that I'm going through will help make me wiser and better. And to boost the outcome results I'm currently making use of my time being alone to not only help myself emotionally become better but physically too. So I came up with a exercise routine to complete 30 sit-ups and starts to do skipping like half an hour a day. And I've also created a new password protected tumblr with my name as it's url and I don't know how does this helps me be a better person but I'm just saying……
Mmmmmm…. now I'm contemplating if 30 sit-ups and half an hour of skipping would be too little for me who sleeps like what? 15 hours a day? Ahh…..
"Don't choose the better man, choose the man who makes you a better woman." He didn't make me the better woman. Instead, he made me an angry, petty, horribly absurd woman and I just couldn't accept being that. When I realize how awful I have been, I began to want to rid myself off these things that made me who I am. So I walked away. I just decided that I couldn't live with that so I walked away. I mean, is it wrong to walk away from the things you dislike?
As the saying goes, an idle mind is the devil's workshop. I couldn't agree better. It's usually in the late nights when you have nothing to do that your mind starts to wander off. Sometimes you think about the good parts in life then sometimes you think about the bad and then there's the sometimes where both the good and bad jumbles up and you're just stumped. Tonight I guess my mind wanders off to the bad part. You know, where I think about the incredibly complicated relationships I have and how I can make everything better but only to realize it's too late. It's all clear now that we have part and there's nothing better than distance and time to cure us off our pain. I used to believe that nothing can take away life's simplicity. Like it's all in your mind. It's true. It's still all in your mind. But of course a different set of mind now. Growing up changes everything. Complicates a lot of things. You think you know something then the next moment you just don't know anymore. Becoming adult is hard. 22 is hard. Tonight is hard. Boo.

Audio test and submission of animation review on Monday and then it will be all over. I can't wait. I thought of a million things I'd do when school's over…
1. ride a bicycle or blade with the company of the sea and a good weather
2. go karaoke at a ridiculously cheap price
3. plan a wild night out with the girls
4. get a job that pays me a 1-month salary enough to go on a vacation
5. tidy up my room and get rid of all the unnecessary junks
Okay. So maybe there isn't a million things but there's definitely more than 6 just that I can't think of it now. I mean, come on, taking out school from my life? Imagine all the freedom I'll get to enjoy and just this thought alone excites me.

My face is covered with a white sheet of goodness only revealing my eyes, nostril holes and mouth as I type. So I am doing a mask to make sure I look okay for the presentation tomorrow morning. It's like 9 in the morning and I have to speak to a crowd filling the entire auditorium and of course I had to do something to make sure I don't look dead, sleepy or exhausted like I just walked out of a zombie killing town as the only survivor. It's my last presentation in this school and I definitely want to leave a good impression. What I'm thinking is that at least there's my vibrant face to save it all if you know, I happen to screw up my speech… At least there's like one thing that's fine about me.
Anyway, I had Mcdonalds for dinner today. Bought a cheese burger, fries and an apple pie. The lady taking my order at the counter got really frustrated when I started making requests like fries without salt and then a last minute one about removing the pickles from my burger. She was really unhappy I supposed, because she didn't even bother to give me a plastic bag to carry she just handed me the brown paper bag without handles straight expecting me to leave. Feeling bad, I decided maybe I should just leave her alone so I ended up walking home under a really hot sun, my hands moving all the time trying to figure out the most comfortable way to hold that bag without it slipping off my fingers. So much for special orders… In my bedroom with my burger I think about that uncomfortable journey back home and wonder if I should be less fussy or if that lady had to be more patient. Either way, I should have just ask for that plastic bag. Really could have save me all that trouble. Guess I should work on making better decisions.
February's coming to an end and that said it means I need to go get a job soon to provide for my limitless craving for pleasure. I have been held down for far too long and I can't wait to finally be free but for now... I shall be held captive but do my best to enjoy the moment with my black bean paste noodle. bye!
So, in case you're wondering why I'm back here, I've decided to write again. I'm not sure if this is going to be a daily thing but I think I'll write as often as I can. Document my memories before I forget them all. Reading through what I wrote before is like taking a walk down memory lane and it's nice. Both the good and the bad taught me a lot. And it's a joy to see how far I've come. Mmmmm.... guess I call this growing up.